Sunday, March 29, 2009

//Edwin Massold

Edwin Massold. 

I've been trying to think of a way to summarise Edwin and the idiosyncratic methodology with
which he approaches skateboarding. I guess there's not really much to say other than he is
rad, and doesn't mind jumping down big shit.

Interview coming soon...

//Swish Manoeuvres - Intro & Montage One

Hello and welcome to the first post of the first installment of the first incarnation of Swish Manoeuvres.

Blogs are indeed one of the more unsavoury aspects of the Wonderful World Web, but there are exceptions, and these are in essence (to borrow a line from the creative conscience of my esteemed work colleagues); Polished Turds.

I won't be posting banal crap about what I had for breakfast. I won't be enlightening the world as to my current mood or attire. What I will be posting is the result of a disease that has been plaguing me for nigh on a decade.


I hate it. I love it. It engrosses me in my free time. It captivates me in my not free time. You know what I'm talking about.

I am endeavouring to bring you New Zealand Skateboarding through my eyes (and the eyes/lenses of a few friends). Whether you consider it art, grown ass men and boys jumping around of planks on wood, or nothing more than nefarious, irresponsible, property damaging belligerence, I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.

If you have any comments or queries feel free to email me:

But please, don't attack me with your boring spot location requests or dislikes for certain music. Go look for spots. Turn down the music or put on your own. Go Skateboarding. Go have fun.

Like most Firsts, there will be Seconds. And more often than not, Thirds, Fourths and Fifths follow suit. There will be updates and new material as often as I can muster it. But in the meantime, here are some fucking swish manoeuvres for you to check out...

Featuring Mike Bancroft, Adam Wharekawa, Tim Schmidt, Mark Coulston, Kerry Wharekawa, Jake Darwen, Ross Emery, Umberto Skinner, Simon Thorp, Arthur Kay, Geoff Campbell, Reuben Baker, Brett Band and Tom Snape.